Antenatal Testing & Screening Tests @ A S Rao Nagar

During your pregnancy, we are offered a wide range of tests, including blood tests and ultrasound baby scans. These tests are designed to help make your pregnancy safer, check and assess the development and well being of you and your baby, and screen for particular conditions. After Pregnancy these below tests are mandatory. Aruna diagnostics provide all types of health-checkups with best packages

  • CBP(Complete Blood Picture)
  • Glucose, (RBS)
  • Blood grouping and RH typing
  • BT & CT
  • Complete Urine Examination(CUE)
  • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone(TSH)
  • Ultrasound antenatal
Viral Markers
    1. HIV I & II Antibody Rapid
    2. Hepatitis B surface Antigen
    3. Anti HCV

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