About different equipments



MRIMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a technique used to take detailed images of the body using strong magnetic field and radio waves. It is widely used in diagnosis to examine various body parts and helps in finding disorders like tumors, herniation, congenital abnormalities and hemorrhage. There are no side effects with MRI as it does not use X-rays (ionizing radiation). It provides accurate results when compared to other test procedures and is suitable for all age groups.

CT Scan

Computed tomography (CT) scan uses X-rays to take images from different angles and creates cross sectional images of inside body using computer processing. It is a fast and painless procedure that helps to detect various diseases and provides accurate results. It is used to study different areas of the body like lungs, brain, abdomen, bones and also used in diagnosing cancers as it gives clear images about tumors size, location and tissues affected.


Mammography is an imaging test used to detect signs of breast cancer in women by using low dose X-rays. It is also called mastography, used to find abnormalities like white spots, lumps or masses and tumors in the breast. Mammography is very helpful in finding early signs or symptoms of breast cancers, early diagnosis helps to treat cancer without breast removal and saves life.

Digital X-ray

Digital X-ray is the latest development of conventional X-ray where digital X-Ray sensors are used to take images. Less radiation is used when compared to conventional X-Ray. Digital X-Ray gives clear quality image in less time and helps in timely treatment. Digital X-Rays are very useful in dentistry; it is very helpful for people and dentists also in many ways.

Ultra sound

Ultrasound which is also called as sonogaraphy is a type of imaging that uses high frequency sound waves to capture live images of organs and structures inside the body. Doctors use ultrasound to detect various problems in the organs like kidneys, bladder, liver, heart, uterus, arteries and other organs. Gynaecology ultrasound helps to check baby’s growth and development. It helps to determine due date and birth defects if any. Ultrasound is safe and do not use X-rays or ionizing radiation.


Electrocardiography (ECG) is a test used to find problems in heart by recording the electrical activity of the heart for a period of time. Electrodes placed on the skin helps to measure heart's electrical activity. ECG is widely used to get information about structure, function of the heart, measure heart beat, size and position of heart chambers, to diagnose heart muscle and to check any damage to the heart. ECG is a painless and safe test, it records electrical impulses coming from our body.


Treadmill test (TMT) is used to determine how your heart works during stress. It helps doctors to understand weather heart receives enough oxygen when heart beats and work hard. TMT helps to determine heart diseases, diagnose coronary heart diseases and helps to see how your heart walls are working. People with coronary artery blockages have low symptoms, but when exposed to stress the symptoms can be noticed and early treatment can be given.


Orthopantogram (OPG) is a panoramic X-Ray which displays all the upper and lower jaw teeth. It shows number, position, growth of teeth and problems associated with jawbone. Tomography is the technique used to perform OPG. It is used to find the information on wisdom teeth, about salivary stones, to find source of dental pain and periodontal bone loss. OPG process takes 1 to 2 minutes of time and has no discomfort during the procedure.

CR system

Computed radiography (CR) system use the X-Rays to visualise the internal structure of the patient and image is received on phosphor plate or CR specific cassette. The cassette is run through a CR reader and image is scanned into a digital format. This process is much faster and reduces repeat exposures to the radiation and gives clear image.


Histopathology is a microscopic examination of tissues. Tissues collected from the body through biopsy are examined under microscope to observe for diseases or cancers or tumors if any and report is made by a pathologist. Histopathology report is also called as pathology report or biopsy report. This report further helps doctors to detect weather it is a normal or any cancer cells are found in the biopsy sample.

Clinical biochemistry

Clinical biochemistry (clinical chemistry or chemical pathology) helps to analyse measurement of chemicals in urine and other body fluids to diagnose diseases. Doctors use these results to treat and monitor diseases.


Immunology is the study of development and functions of body’s immune system. Immunology test helps to detect issues with the immune system of person weather it is healthy to fight diseases like titers, varicella, lupus and immune disorders like allergies, hypersensitivities, transplant rejection and autoimmune disorders.


Pulmonary function test (PFT) is a test that shows functioning of lungs. It measure lung capacity and lung volume. It measures how your lungs inhale and exhale air and how lungs transfer oxygen to the heart. Obstructive and restrictive are the two disorders that cause lung problems like air moving in and out of lungs. This test is helpful in treating lung diseases like asthma, chronic bronchitis and respiratory infections.

About Aruna Diagnostic Centre

Aruna Diagnostic Centre aims to offer accurate and high quality diagnostic services with the help of high end Radiological, Pathological and Imaging equipments, along with expert doctors and well trained technical staff. It offers complete radiology services including MRI, CT Scanner, ultra sound, X-Ray, mammography, OPG, CR system, TMT Machine, PFT, ECG, Color Doppler, 2D Echo, digital X-Ray and EEG. Keeping in mind safety and security of people all the procedures of Radiology are performed under the supervision of experienced and highly qualified radiologists. Aruna Diagnostic Centre offers wide range of health packages. It also offers complete pathological or lab investigation services like Clinical Bio Chemistry, Hemotology, Serology, Microbiology, Histopathology, and Immunology.

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